Claire Strunk
I love helping others discover precisely what they are working toward, how to best move in that direction and cheering them on as they growth as leaders.
I love helping others discover precisely what they are working toward, how to best move in that direction and cheering them on as they growth as leaders.
In my coaching practice, I most look forward to witnessing people recognize their inherent value and step into their full potential. My sweet spot is encouraging clients to believe in and embody their best selves while helping them identify and navigate the roadblocks that may stand in their way. I love journeying with others through the highs and lows of life, offering a steady, non-judgmental presence.
I love partnering with leaders to increase insight and agency by asking powerful questions and highlighting their learning. It’s a gift to be in the discovery process alongside the coachee that has ripple effects in her/his personal and organizational transformation.
I love coaching because I am able to help people “own what they discover.” There is something special about journeying with someone and asking powerful questions so that they uncover what they need.
We all have moments when we get stuck, and I love to help people regain momentum in any area of their lives.
I enjoy how coaching opens up the coachee to ideas that they had not thought of before and how the process can confirm actions they have been thinking about but were unsure of taking.
What I appreciate about coaching is that it’s a powerful ministry tool that helps individuals or groups achieve their goals and grow into a deeper, more fulfilling Christian life.
I love resourcing leaders and empowering them to do what God has called them to do. Coaching helps people tap into all that God has placed inside them and gets them unstuck and moving into their next steps in life and ministry.