Sherin Mathew Swift
We all have moments when we get stuck, and I love to help people regain momentum in any area of their lives.
We all have moments when we get stuck, and I love to help people regain momentum in any area of their lives.
I absolutely love being invited to participate in someone’s journey to growing into who they are created to be. Whether their work is on the flag football field, in a classroom or any other setting, I experience deep joy as I witness their growing self-awareness and experience of God’s movement in their lives.
I love cheering people on as they gain clarity, take next steps, and celebrate wins – both big and small!
I enjoy how coaching opens up the coachee to ideas that they had not thought of before and how the process can confirm actions they have been thinking about but were unsure of taking.
I love how coaching provides a space for individuals to move forward and grow as leaders.
I love walking alongside those seeking to live out God’s call in their lives. It’s a joy to help them discern and articulate a vision—or re-envision their path—that leads to greater fulfillment, flourishing, and fruitfulness in life and ministry.
Coaching has played and continues to play an essential role in helping me lead the congregation that I serve. Since coaching has been a blessing to me and my ministry, I want to share what I have learned to help others.
I love resourcing leaders and empowering them to do what God has called them to do. Coaching helps people tap into all that God has placed inside them and gets them unstuck and moving into their next steps in life and ministry.