Stories & News

Diana Trautwein

Settling for a Fix-it God

My wife, Carla, and I had excitedly driven five hours across Michigan to Chicago to see our new grandson, Van, who had been born the day before. We were in the hospital gift shop when Carla received an unexpected call from her doctor. […]

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The Marriage Elite

When I was fifteen, I imagined that I’d be married with kids and a best-selling book by the time I was twenty-five. At twenty-five, I was single with no prospects. […]

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Jesus in the Mocking Robe

Entering Chicago’s Queen of All Saints Basilica, I feel small. The towering ceiling, the formal stained-glass windows, the ornate interior of carved wood and gold leaf—and especially the acoustics—all point me to a big and majestic God. […]

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Disaster Relief: Ashes of Lent

Late in the evening of October 8, 2017, a fire started near Tubbs Lane in Calistoga, California. Fueled by years of drought and extremely windy conditions, the fire made its way through the Mayacamas Mountains to Santa Rosa in a matter of hours. […]

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A Beautiful, Robust Gospel Message

In This Invitational Life, Steve Carter attempts to demystify and reframe our understanding of personal evangelism. Carter, who is a teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Illinois, acknowledges two polar approaches that most evangelicals default to when seeking to share our faith with friends and family. […]

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