Stories & News

Tammy Swanson-Draheim

Prayer Walk

This month, we invite you to engage in a prayer walk, a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in God’s presence while enjoying the beauty of the season. Whether you choose to walk through your community park, stroll around your neighborhood, or even use a treadmill, here are some ways to enrich your prayer experience.

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Silence Prayer

The prayer practice for this month is the “Silence” prayer. This practice is simply being with God in silence. It is different from the contemplative practice as the goal is not meditation or focus, but one of being emptied to receive.

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Centering Prayer

This month’s prayer practice is contemplative prayer, sometimes called centering prayer. It is a meditative practice that can help us connect with God through a word or phrase.

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Lectio Divina

This month’s prayer practice is praying the Scriptures, sometimes called lectio divina. This practice is summed up in five simple steps: Read, Meditate, Pray, Contemplate, Act.

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Praying the Hours

This month we are exploring the prayer practice of praying the hours, which we find in the Old Testament. We witness Jesus actively engaging in this practice as he prayed the Psalms. Praying the hours is a daily rhythm of pausing to pray throughout the day, for example at morning, noon, and evening.

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Prayer of Examen

The Examen is a reflection on the day to help us discern God’s presence and direction. The ancient prayer rhythm was created by Saint Ignatius to check in and reflect on what God was revealing to you throughout the day. Many people use a condensed version of this prayer practice when they connect with their “highs and lows” of the day.

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