Covenant Subsidized Benefits
For Pastors Serving in Under-Resourced Settings
The Covenant Subsidized Benefits program is intended to serve as a catalyst for pastoral financial well-being, specifically focused on pastors with low compensation levels who are serving in under-resourced Covenant settings.
Applications will be accepted each year, at any time before October 1, with approved participants then eligible to begin benefits January 1 of the following year.
To be eligible for the program, pastoral service must be characterized by the following (the committee and Board of Pensions reserve the right to amend the rules for special cases):
Active call & service at a Covenant church
A credential in good standing with Develop Leaders / Ordered Ministry
Annual total compensation (including housing, parsonage, etc.) below local average
A financially under-resourced congregational setting (local church finances will also be reviewed)
Church planters receiving financial support from conference and denomination are not eligible for this program.
Each approved applicant will be enrolled in the CSB program, which includes:
- Group life and long-term disability insurance
- Access to the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
- Medical Bill Saver program
- Access to virtual, high quality primary care physicians via 98point6
- Travel response and assistance
- Health insurance benefits are not included. If health insurance benefits are requested, premiums will be billed to the church.
- A three-year scaled retirement contribution to the Guidestone 403b9 program
We are deeply grateful to the Lilly Endowment for their participation in the initial funding of this program, alongside major donors and the denomination. We invite churches, conferences, and individual donors to join us in making these catalyst benefits available (and sustainable) for those sisters and brothers who so faithfully serve in more difficult economic settings.
Completed applications should be emailed to benefits@covchurch.org