Benefits & Rates
Covenant Benefits is a ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church that provides an avenue for Covenant churches and ministries to share the cost and administrative burden of managing employee benefits contracts. Premiums paid to Covenant Benefits directly pay for Covenant pastors’ and ministry staff’s medical expenses. It’s a tangible way the Covenant is “in it together” in ministry and caring for each other.
Enrollment and Other Policy Changes
If your ministry does not yet partner with Covenant Benefits and is excited to learn more and get started, please contact us for a one-on-one consultation.
Aaron Dean
Manager of Benefit Education and Church Relations
Christina Kempe
Director of Covenant Benefits
Churches and participating ministries may request enrollment and other policy changes using a simple, secure online form. Please contact us for access. Eligibility changes must be requested within 60 days of the effective date.
Enrolled and newly eligible employees can register and log on to the member portal to view benefits information, update personal information, add life insurance beneficiaries, and request changes to their benefits based on qualifying life events. Benefits changes must be requested within 60 days of the qualifying event.
Webinar for Pastors and Ministry Staff
Recorded on Oct 16, 2024
This webinar is for pastors and ministry staff who are eligible for Covenant Benefits. We will review health insurance plan options and how to choose which is right for you, how to log in and navigate the member portal to enter your selections, and benefit detail highlights we think it’s important you know about. There will be time to ask your questions live with Covenant Benefits staff, as well.
Webinar for Churches AND Ministries
Recorded on Sep 17, 2024
This webinar connects Covenant churches and ministries with important information they need to know about the Covenant Benefits 2025 benefits package – plan and premium updates, dates for open enrollment, and instructions for updating employees’ information. We will also answer frequently asked questions pertaining to offering more than one health insurance option, sharing the cost with employees, and educating employees.