Church Safety

If you need to report any matter related to safety or abuse prevention in any Evangelical Covenant Church or affiliated ministry, please contact your regional conference.
In reference to the abuse of a child or vulnerable person, contact local authorities immediately. Click here to learn your state’s mandatory reporting laws >>
Making Churches Safer
Making Churches Safer has been developed to help educate local Covenant churches in reducing the risk of abuse, injury, and sickness for children and youth. All forms and information in this resource are for illustrative purposes, although you may adapt this information to help produce your own policies and forms.
Expert Resources
While not explicitly endorsed by the Evangelical Covenant Church, the resources below may help develop and implement a ministry safety plan to reduce the risk of abuse and other safety concerns.
Safeguard from Abuse
Online child abuse awareness training. Use COVENANT20 to get 20% off online training, DVD or both.