Global Engagements
How We Help You Engage Globally
We help you engage in global missions through programs that provide significant learning,
deepening relationships, and the hope of lasting commitments.
Merge Trips
Merge trips are designed to provide groups, individuals, couples and families with opportunities to spend one-two weeks participating in what God is doing around the world. You’ll form new relationships and learn a lot. When you return home you will have an expanded vision and passion for your church, your community, and your own life in Christ. We provide custom trips, pre-planned trips, disaster response trips, and virtual visits.

Global Internships
We help individuals discern their missional calling through an experiential learning engagement with guided content, mentoring, and ministry elements in a cross-cultural setting. Interns work alongside our national partners and missionaries to be challenged and transformed by how God is at work through our partners.
Re-Vision Trips
Re-Vision trips are designed to provide congregational leaders with focused experiences and deepened understanding around missional themes in various cultures around the world. The themes for the trips include human trafficking, relief and development, refugee ministry, urban ministry, and peace and reconciliation, etc. Participants will learn from our ministry partners how God is at work in the country and how they engage with the above themes in their cultural context. The trips consist of men and women and multiple ethnicities to optimize the learning experience. The intended outcome is for mission leaders to find ways for their congregations to thoughtfully and deeply engage and invest in these global concerns with our global partners.

Global Immersions
This program is designed to provide individuals, couples and families an opportunity to utilize their skills alongside our national partners, learn, and be challenged and transformed by how God is at work through our partners.