One of the key elements of discipling children who make disciples is helping them share their stories with Jesus. Rather than just talking about Jesus, it’s critical to help children also share how Jesus is shaping and impacting their lives.

Here are six principles for helping children to explore and share their stories with Jesus.

Provide space for children to:

  1. Explore some key bible passages

    These might include: Jesus made us: John 1:1-3. Jesus loves us, sacrificed himself for us and offers everlasting life: John 3:16. Jesus calls us to love others: John 13; 34-35. Jesus invites us to share the good news with others and promised to be with us forever: Matthew 28:19-20.

    Jesus love children and invites children to be his disciples: Mark 10:13-16.

  2. Ask questions.

    The Bible is not meant to be a text book, but a dwelling place with God. Provide space for children to ask questions or begin with some general wondering questions such as: I wonder why Jesus would die for me? I wonder why Jesus loves me? I wonder how my relationship with Jesus affects my relationships with others? I wonder how I could show my love for Jesus? I wonder how I could share Jesus’ love with others? I wonder, when do we feel closest to Jesus?

  3. Respond creatively through the arts.

    Provide materials such as playdough, pipe cleaners, paper, markers, paperclips, glue sticks, etc., and give children time to create a visual response to the passages or questions above.

  4. Share what their relationship with Jesus is like.

    Children will have an easier time sharing if they have first had an opportunity to respond creatively. Capture their responses on video or write them down as they share.

  5. Create their own story book with Jesus to share with others.

    Make your own or find additional resources for children, the teacher, and parents here:

  6. Give them opportunities to revisit and share their story regularly.

Remember Jesus is writing new chapters in our lives every day. Over time, our story with Jesus changes and grows.

If we are not intentional about helping children practice sharing their story with Jesus, it will be difficult for them to articulate it to someone else. And if we don’t give them space to regularly share their story with Jesus in the church and home, how can we expect them to share it outside the church?

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