Six Ways Preschoolers Can Participate in the Ministry of the Church

When we think of preschoolers in the church, our first inclination is to make sure they are well cared for—and this is a loving response by the body of Christ. But Jesus wants more from us. When Jesus says, “Let the little children come,” it’s an invitation for them to participate in the kingdom.

Nurturing is good, necessary, and important, but it should be with the intent of empowering our children to participate in the mission and ministry of the church. So what does this look like for a preschooler?

Developmentally, preschool children want to help. They want to emulate what we are doing as adults. It’s the way they learn and grow. The problem is, we don’t intentionally invite them to participate.

Here are six ways preschoolers can participate in the mission and ministry of the church:

  1. Set up and clean up after worship

Children can help set up chairs, light electric candles, make sure pens and pencils are in place, and pick up left over bulletins.

  1. Help with hospitality

Children can help prepare food, carry food to the table, make coffee, put out napkins and cups, and help with clean up.

  1. Usher

Children can greet, pass out bulletins (even if some fall on the floor) help bring offering forward

  1. Worship

Singing, dancing, rhythm instruments, pray

  1. Help with the food bank and make cards

Children can go to the grocery story to help buy food and them pack food for the local food bank. Most love to make cards for others, and could make them for shut-ins or anyone who is ill.

  1. BLESS

Even young children can BLESS others. They can pray, they can listen, they can share an experience with another, they can serve a friend or serve with a friend, and they can share their story. For more on BLESS, go to:

Pray with children prior to beginning their ministry with God and for God. This doesn’t have to be long, but it frames the reason, purpose, and importance of their ministry with and for Jesus.

Demonstrate step by step what you are expecting the child to do so they can copy you.

Encourage children as they master each step.

Praise children as they complete their ministry.

Don’t be discouraged if preschoolers only engage for a few minutes at a time before they run off to play with their friends. The fact that they were invited and had opportunity to participate will have a lasting impact on their place in the church both today and into the future if we keep on inviting and empowering them to serve.

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