Join hosts Jane Chao Pomeroy, Cathy Norman Peterson, and Jim Sequeira as they dive into the rich history of the Evangelical Covenant Church, uncovering the stories and values that shape what it means to be Covenant. Together, we explore how our shared heritage inspires us to move forward as mission friends.

Season Two

Sitting Down with Dany Flores and Metzli Doles

In this episode of Love the Cov, Dany Flores and her daughter Metzli share their intergenerational partnership in ministry, reflecting on how their shared commitment to faith, family, and justice shapes their lives and work.

Sitting Down with Harold Spooner and Peter Sjoblom

In episode 4, Harold Spooner and Peter Sjoblom share their journeys in urban ministry and racial reconciliation within the Covenant, reflecting on leadership, justice, and the legacy they hope to leave for future generations.

Sitting Down with Henry and Jelani Greenidge

In episode 3, Jim Sequeira speaks with Henry and Jelani Greenidge about Henry’s pioneering work in planting a truly multiethnic church back in 1988, Jelani’s experiences growing up in that diverse congregation, and their reflections on the state of the multiethnic church today.

Sitting Down with Lenore Three Stars and Jim Sequiera

In episode two of Love the Cov season two, Lenore Three Stars and Jim Sequeira share their journeys within the Covenant, leaning into their Indigenous wisdom and identity. Their work includes repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery and guiding the Covenant toward deeper understanding and healing.

Sitting Down with Evelyn Johnson and Debbie Blue

In this season two premiere of Love the Cov, we sit down with Evelyn Johnson and Debbie Blue—visionary leaders whose groundbreaking contributions have profoundly influenced the Covenant Church’s mission and history. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation about their enduring friendship, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the transformative impact of their work.

Season Two Trailer

Season two of the Love the Cov podcast launches next week! Featuring diverse leaders and honoring the wisdom of elders, we’ll explore the rich history and unique identity of the Evangelical Covenant Church while celebrating our ongoing journey as mission friends.

Season One

Sankofa: Join Us on the Bus

Hear from leaders and participants, as well as Sankofa veteran Nilwona Nowlin, who walks us through the journey—and shares her reflections after years of getting on the bus. For more information visit

We Are a Multiethnic Mosaic

Mary Chung March outlines our history of becoming a multiethnic mosaic, growing from our roots as a Swedish immigrant church. And Steve Wong, pastor of the first Asian American church plant in the Covenant, reflects on his journey into the Covenant, how he has seen the denomination change, and our call to continue becoming the beloved community.

We Seek Racial Righteousness

Covenant historian Hauna Ondrey and Dominique Gilliard join us to talk about the end of the 1960s, the Black Manifesto, the Covenant’s unique response to this call to white churches and synagogues—and where we witness similar themes in our culture today.

We Make Affirmations

In the Covenant we identify as non-creedal, meaning we do not adhere to a specific creed. But non-creedal does not mean we are without theology. The six Covenant affirmations address the question, “What does the Covenant believe?” Retired North Park Theological Seminary professor Klyne Snodgrass joins us.

Women Are Called and Gifted

As a denomination, we voted to ordain women in ministry in 1976. In this episode, we talk with Evelyn Johnson, a woman of many firsts, including the first woman elected to lead a department at Covenant Offices within the budget and the first female superintendent. She shares her memories of those early years and her experiences serving in more than 40 years of ministry in the Covenant.

We Are Indigenous Mission Friends

Curtis Ivanoff talks about our long history in Alaska, where the Covenant has been engaged since our very earliest days when the church in Sweden sent people to share the gospel of Jesus. It’s a complicated story that Curtis engages with compassion and generosity as he unpacks our identity as Indigenous Mission Friends.

We Seek God’s Glory and Neighbor’s Good

Harold Spooner talks about our long history serving marginalized people, beginning with our early children’s home and hospital and continuing our mission to love mercy and do justice. And Todd Slechta shares why he loves the Cov, saying, “I came into the Covenant because I turned left for a cheeseburger.”

We are People of the Book

Michelle Sanchez, executive minister of Make and Deepen Disciples, helps us unpack our identity as people who love Scripture. And Garth Bolinder, superintendent of the Midsouth Conference, shares his journey of why he loves the Cov.

We Are Evangelical

Covenant historian Kurt Peterson talks about how the Covenant became “big tent” evangelical, including members from across the theological spectrum, in the years leading up to World War II. And Dennis Edwards, New Testament scholar at North Park Theological Seminary, shares his perspective on the space we occupy within the contours of evangelicalism today.

We Are an Immigrant Church

Longtime Covenant historian Phil Anderson unpacks our history and identity as an immigrant church, and Danny Martinez, superintendent of the Central Conference, speaks into this conversation from his perspective as a Covenanter who is a 1.5 generation immigrant.

We Are Committed to Global Mission

Why was global mission so important to early Covenanters? Curt Peterson, executive minister of Serve Globally 2003-2015 (and currently serving in that role as interim), shares some of our Covenant history and how our understanding of mission has changed over time. And Jim Sequeira, pastor of Cascade View Covenant Church in Vancouver, Washington, joins us to share why he Loves the Cov!

We are Missional

In episode 3 Efrem Smith joins us to talk about the Covenant being a missional church. We also hear from co-pastors Marv and Linda Norlien from the Northwest Conference on why they love the Cov.

We Are Pietists

Covenant theologian Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom joins us to help us understand Pietism and how this movement has influenced the Covenant. This week you’ll also hear Cathy’s journey into the Covenant.

Covenant Beginnings

Welcome to the first episode of the Love the Cov podcast! Join co-hosts Jane Chao Pomeroy and Cathy Norman Peterson for a conversation with C. John Weborg on how the Evangelical Covenant Church started. You’ll also get to know Jane as she shares how she got into the Covenant.

Lina Sánchez-Herrera

Chicago West Suburbs, Illinois

ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female


Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes


C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary


Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.

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