Welcome to All In!
As the Evangelical Covenant Church seeks to make more disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world, current research affirms that our strategies need to include our youngest generations. Through equipping families and growing disciples, we can invite, engage, and empower children as full participants in the body of Christ and the world around them for generations right now.
All In will help churches in this new season of ministry to refocus ministries to children and families which will lead to the following outcomes:
- Equipping Parents to model faith in action and champion their child’s development.
- Developing Disciples who know they are loved and valued in the family of Jesus.
- Empowering Children to use their gifts as they participate fully in the life of the church.
- Nurturing Awareness of ways to serve others by engaging families in the community with compassion.
These four outcomes are what we call the All In framework. They are a strategic part of investing in the faith of the rising generations as, together, we go All In!
The All In Strategy
All In seeks to help church leadership intentionally reach and care for young generations, drawing the entire church body together to nurture faith. This is an especially critical ministry to engage in now because…
- An increasingly larger portion of each generation is leaving the church.
- Younger generations need to see faith in action rather than just hearing it discussed.
- Parents/caregivers have the best opportunity to nurture faith, but they doubt their ability to do it well.
- Churches can help parents strengthen their faith so they are confident disciple makers.
- Churches need to embrace children as a necessary part of the body of Christ.
- God calls all of us to equip children to engage the world with the love of Jesus.
The All In Framework
A workshop that uses a multi-dimensional framework to empower your church

Grow Disciples
who know they are loved and valued in the family of Jesus.

Equip Parents
to model faith in action and champion their child’s faith development.

Empower Children
to use their gifts as they participate in the life of the church.

Nurture Awareness
by engaging families in their community with compassion.
The All In Outcomes
- Deeper Faith: Children who are growing deeper in faith and desiring to share their faith with others.
- Encouraged Families: Families who are equipped to discover their mission and nurture their children’s faith.
- Ministry Together: Children who are invited and empowered to serve in the life and mission of the church on their own and alongside their families.
- Increased Awareness: Children who have an awareness and compassion for the world around them as well as a pathway for engagement in the community.
The All In Process
- Start Now: A trained facilitator will join pastors and key leaders to assess, celebrate, dream and listen for what God is doing among rising generations.
- Forward Vision: Church leaders will discern where to focus efforts, finding a unified vision for a preferred future.
- Invested Leaders: A unified vision provides a pathway for pastors and leaders to work toward a shared goal.
- Increased Engagement: Leaders will be equipped to help families prioritize their participation in church.
- Flexibility: Each church determines the direction and approach that works for them.
- Not Another Program: Leaders develop strategies that prioritize existing ministry initiatives without the pressure to create something new.
- Coaching: A COACH Model trained coach will work with your church and walk alongside leaders to provide ongoing support and accountability.
Contact Us
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