Pastor Goes the Distance for His Church

By Stan Friedman

TWIG, MN (November 12, 2013) — Pastor Brad Shannon’s unusual fundraiser will demonstrate just how far he’s willing to go to help his small rural church construct a new building—1,500 miles through the snow.

He intends to snowmobile that distance from Twig to Churchill, Manitoba, starting next February 9. He expects the journey to take roughly three to four weeks.

Donations will benefit New Life Covenant Church’s building fund.

The endeavor reflects the spirit of the church that nearly closed in the 1990s and now is looking to minister to well beyond its average weekly attendance of roughly 115 people.

Already the small congregation has pledged $400,000 to the estimated $800,000 project, Shannon says. He adds that constructing the building represents a “defining moment” for the church.

Shannon has named the trip the New Frontier Expedition with the motto “Faith Takes Risk.”

Shannon says he realizes many people might think his fundraising method a bit extreme, but he explains, “God is always inviting us to go, to dream, and to follow him,” all of which are inherently risky.

Shannon has embarked on long-distance trips before. His most memorable one and an inspiration for this undertaking was a three-week adventure on which he and his father rode 1,000 miles north of Churchill just after Shannon graduated from college in 1992.

Shannon’s wife, Brooke, and their three children, ages three through nine, will “accompany” him on this trip, driving from Twig to Thompson, Manitoba, where the road ends. They will then take the train from there to Churchill.

Other snowmobile enthusiasts have said they will travel different legs of the journey with him.

“There’s really a lot of excitement,” Shannon says. “The biggest naysayer is my mom.”

To donate, visit the trip’s website.

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