Jeannette Conver
I love helping coachees discover their own priorities and strategies. It’s exciting to see their eyes light up as they get clarity on issues in front of them.
I love helping coachees discover their own priorities and strategies. It’s exciting to see their eyes light up as they get clarity on issues in front of them.
Those I have coached have said their ministry moves forward when they are being coached. I can coach even cross-culturally when I respect the principles of coaching and let the Holy Spirit work in their lives to follow their vision.
I love the honor of partnering with those I coach and seeing how, by the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, they are able to move forward in ways (both hoped for and unexpected) that lead them into greater flourishing in their ministry and/or personal life.
I love helping others navigate challenges, realizing options available, then finding creative solutions which bring energy and joy.
I love helping others discover precisely what they are working toward, how to best move in that direction and cheering them on as they growth as leaders.
I am passionate about working with church planters, helping them grow as leaders and cultivate healthy, thriving churches.
I absolutely love being invited to participate in someone’s journey to growing into who they are created to be. Whether their work is on the flag football field, in a classroom or any other setting, I experience deep joy as I witness their growing self-awareness and experience of God’s movement in their lives.
I enjoy how coaching opens up the coachee to ideas that they had not thought of before and how the process can confirm actions they have been thinking about but were unsure of taking.