2007 Divestment from Sudan

Presented by the Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church, adopted by the delegates to the 122nd Covenant Annual Meeting.

WHEREAS, the government of Sudan has engaged in a policy of genocide against its own black African population in Darfur through use of its military and through sponsorship of attacks by armed Islamic militias known as the janjaweed; such crimes against their own people continue and have caused over 400,000 people to be killed, and 2.5 million to be displaced, and

WHEREAS Khartoum has funneled the vast majority of direct foreign investment into military expenditures used to perpetuate the genocide while neglecting needed development projects in the Darfur region; and these international companies, by conducting business operations in Sudan, bring direct foreign investment dollars to Khartoum and provide both moral and political cover to the Sudanese regime; which has led faith groups, universities, several states to adopt divestment strategies to bring economic pressure on the Khartoum government, and

WHEREAS, the Evangelical Covenant Church has numerous connections with Sudanese Christians both in Africa and here in North America; and recognizes that whole life stewardship means that all monies belong to God, and also has by resolution of this body acted to divest its holdings from companies which are engaged in harmful and/or immoral products and endeavors, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church call upon the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church to affirm and commend the very significant compassion and mercy ministries which have been undertaken on behalf of the Sudanese people by the president of the Covenant, Covenant World Relief, the Department of World Missions, and Various Congregations; be it further

RESOLVED, that the Central Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church call upon the Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church to engage in the following justice action: to direct the Covenant’s institutions and agencies (including but not limited to its member schools and benevolent organizations) with investments operating in the Republic of Sudan to divest of all stocks, securities or other obligations (including endowment and retirement programs) from those companies as determined inappropriate according to the screening tool on the website www.sudandivestment.org or other appropriate resource or resources determined to be reliable and reasonably impartial. This divestment should occur within six months of adoption of this resolution, with a report of any action taken made to the Executive Board of the Evangelical Covenant Church. Moreover, such institutional and agency investment managers are not to make further investments in such companies until the Sudanese government stops its military and militia forces from committing genocide as indicated by either the International Association of Genocide Scholars or the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Committee on Conscience; be it further

RESOLVED, that member churches and individuals of the Evangelical Covenant Church be encouraged to conduct a social audit of personal holdings and investments with information provided on the Evangelical Covenant Church website directing how this may be accomplished.

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