Globally, an estimated 4.7 million persons are caught in sex trafficking today. Approximately 250,000–350,000 American children and youth are at risk for sex trafficking each year.
People who have been marginalized are also being deemed disposable and thus usable for the demoralizing purposes of those with power and privilege. The exploitation of those targeted through sex trafficking continues to attack the Imago Dei; marring, and harming trafficking victims, the traffickers, and the communities where economies of sexual exploitation flourish.
The Covenant’s core identity as Mission Friends is rooted in its desire to seek to respond to God’s call in Isaiah 1:17, “Learn to do good, seek justice, and encourage the oppressed” in our world. As a response to this call, Serve Globally and Love Mercy Do Justice are collaborating through FREE, an anti-sex trafficking initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church that calls the global church to Pray, Learn, Give, and Act to oppose the evil of sex trafficking both domestically and globally.
Learning is a crucial component in breaking the cycle of trafficking by addressing sexual violence. Our awareness moves us into action thus helping us live out our Christian witness in the broken world. Click below for resources to help individuals, small groups, and churches to go deeper in their discipleship and live missionally by learning and engaging in the conversation of anti-sex trafficking.