The Evangelical Covenant Church takes seriously both the mission of Christ and the unity of Christ’s Church. These two priorities converge in our commitment to advancing ethnic ministry and diversity. This is driven by a missional motivation, as we seek to reach the entirety of the mission field in which we are placed. The diverse population composition across the United States and Canada compels us to address unique mission opportunities among multiple communities.
Our efforts are also motivated by a deep commitment to the unity of Christ’s Church. The world is fractured along lines of ethnicity, culture, language, class, and gender. However, Christ has broken down these dividing walls, and in him, we find unity. The coming Kingdom will transcend all that divides us, and we believe the Church here on earth is richer and stronger when it lives in the light of that future reality.
The Covenant has made significant strides in recent years. However, we recognize that multiethnic ministry requires a multi-dimensional approach. Without wisdom and resolve, we cannot expect to achieve lasting impact where others with similar intentions have struggled. To ensure meaningful progress, the Covenant Executive Board—alongside the Council of Administrators, the Council of Superintendents, and ethnic leaders within the Covenant—has adopted a six-fold multi-dimensional test. This framework is not meant to be sequential but rather pursued simultaneously across multiple fronts.
Is the Covenant reaching increasing numbers of people among increasing numbers of populations?
We seek to reach the entirety of the mission field in which we are situated.
Are we finding ways to engage life together through denominational, conference, and local events, service, and fellowship?
We are motivated by our commitment to the unity of Christ’s Church.
Are our positions and structures of influence influenced by the perspective and gifts of diverse populations?
Christ has broken down the dividing walls. We find unity in him.
With additional perspectives, burdens, and gifts in our midst, what new ministry opportunities is the Covenant now better positioned to strengthen and initiate?
The coming kingdom will transcend all that divides. We believe the Church here on earth is richer and stronger as it lives in the light of that future reality.
Purposeful Narrative
How do the stories of new backgrounds become incorporated into our overarching history? How do all of these streams flow together into one story moving forward?
We believe that multiethnic ministry has multi-dimensional implications.
Practicing Solidarity
In what ways are we standing with and advocating for the multiethnic mosaic? How are we sharing in the suffering of others both individually and communally?
As we relate to one another as sisters and brothers in Christ, continually dependent on the Holy Spirit, we are shaped to be the family of God.