Serve Clergy
We strengthen the community of vocational ministers through advocacy, endorsement, credentialing, care, and formation.
The Evangelical Covenant Church envisions a connected and faithful community of clergy and lay leaders who demonstrate the following traits:
- The active inclusion of all persons called to serve God, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or disability
- A deep understanding of Scripture, theology, discernment, and Covenant identity
- A healthy self-awareness and personal care through Sabbath-based rhythms
- A commitment to lifelong learning and relational accountability
Serve Clergy
How We Equip Our Pastors
We offer training and grant ministerial credentials to those who are called to serve vocationally in Covenant churches or other ministries.

Care & Support for the Ministerium

Ministers' Crisis Fund
The Ministers’ Care and Crisis Fund supports those in ministry during times of crisis or need with funding for necessities such as healthcare, counseling, or essential household expenses.

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence
The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence initiative facilitates learning and growth in pastoral character, competency, and constancy through content, cohorts, and coaching. Grants to help sustain healthy enduring ministry are available.

Thriving in Ministry
The Thriving in Ministry work focuses on pastoral resiliency. It is our purpose to provide an alternative for our pastors, missionaries, and chaplains to isolation and stagnation which are the enemy of thriving and resiliency.
Women in Ministry
We seek to be a diverse and welcoming church that affirms the calling and gifts of the entire body of Christ. We support God’s gifting of women by urging churches to encourage women in their congregations to embrace leadership.
Covenant Orientation
We provide clergy and lay leaders opportunities to understand the identity and ethos of the Covenant. Orientation was designed to provide a way for people who are called to serve within the Covenant church but are unable to attend North Park Theological Seminary to fulfill the orientation requirement for Covenant credentialing.

Covenant Financial Leadership
We offer cohorts focused on helping credentialed Covenant pastors take charge of their own and their congregation’s financial health with a ministry and supportive peer community dedicated to the goal of financial resilience and the path out of debt and distress.
Theological Education

Resources needed to complete our credentialing processes and to thrive as a well formed, equipped, and supported minister.
Thriving in Ministry work focuses on pastoral resiliency. It is our purpose to provide an alternative for our pastors, missionaries, and chaplains to isolation and stagnation which are the enemy of thriving and resiliency.
Information and applications for grants that are available to Covenant pastors, missionaries, and chaplains who satisfy the SPE-eligibility requirements and follow the process outlined for application.
Tools for Covenant pastors to take charge of their own and their congregation’s financial health.
The staff of the Department of the Ordered Ministry partners with boards, councils, and groups throughout the denomination to care and advocate for our community of pastors, missionaries, and chaplains across a continuum of care. For a confidential conversation, please call Pastoral Care Services at 773-442-6584.
If you believe you have experienced or observed any actions of Covenant clergy that violate the Pastor Ethical Guidelines, including any kind of discrimination, spiritual abuse, abuse of power, sexual harassment, or harassment of any other kind, please let us know by filling out the form below.
This program provides a way for people who are unable to attend North Park Theological Seminary to fulfill the orientation requirement for Covenant credentialing.
This interactive retreat takes a formational, devotional, and practical look at personal finances and identifies tools to help build spending plans that invite impact.
The Thriving in Ministry Initiative provides cohorts of learners, individual coaching, and expert content in order to shape, strengthen, and support pastors as they strengthen their leadership skills in deep spirituality, family systems knowledge, emotional skills, and financial acuity.
The Deeper in Christ retreat experience is designed for those in ministry who are seeking to renew their friendship with God, reignite their pastoral imagination, and explore their call in a deeper way.
Our Stories

Called and Gifted: Marti Burger’s Journey in Covenant Ministry
Marti Burger, director of vocational and spiritual development for Serve Clergy, has served the Covenant, both in local churches and at the denominational office, since 1988. In this Women’s History Month series, we honor her faithful ministry as one called and gifted by God.

Devyn Chambers Johnson to Join Serve Clergy
Devyn Chambers Johnson will join Serve Clergy as the new director of compelling preaching.

Jin Lee to Join Serve Clergy
Serve Clergy and Ordered Ministry are happy to announce the addition of Jin Lee as director of pastoral support and practice.