Women in Ministry

The Evangelical Covenant Church affirms the call to ministry for all persons. We have ordained and fully credentialed women since 1976 and we seek to be a diverse and welcoming church that affirms the calling and gifts of the entire body of Christ.

Covenant Resources

Learn more about available Covenant-produced articles, books, and resources that address the call of women to pastoral ministry.

Resources >>

Advocates for Covenant Clergy Women

The Advocates for Covenant Clergy Women (ACCW) is a subset of the Covenant Ministerium that works to help women clergy fully live into their calls. The women and men of ACCW work in advocacy, education, resources, and fellowship to move toward a stronger and more egalitarian Ministerium. ACCW meets at conference and national Covenant gatherings.

Women clergy are found in increasing numbers in the Evangelical Covenant Church. As of February 2021, there are 487 active credentialed women (26% of 1858). There are 94 women serving as senior or co-pastor (12% of 777).

Purpose: The purpose of ACCW shall be to provide an organized body to address the unique concerns of clergy women who are ordained, commissioned, or licensed, and those women who are responding to a call in vocational ministry in the ECC. The purpose shall be accomplished through the following means:

  • Advocacy: To promote the calling of women ministers to leadership positions throughout the ECC by working with ECC leaders, conference superintendents, and local congregations.
  • Fellowship: To support women called and gifted by God for ministry by providing fellowship, encouragement, and mentoring to clergy women and to women who are considering entering professional ministry in the ECC.
  • Resources: To provide resources for educating Covenanters at the denominational, conference, regional, and local levels regarding issues directly related to clergy women.
  • Education: To provide opportunities for continuing education for the membership.

Project Deborah

Gifted and godly people are all around us, but sometimes they remain invisible and untapped. Who are the women in your congregation called to lead? In the book of Judges, God raised up Deborah to lead the people of Israel as a trusted judge, prophet, and military leader. Through Project Deborah we seek to move the Covenant to a place where we recognize, mentor, and celebrate called and gifted women in our midst.

Learn More >>

Commission on Biblical Gender Equality

The Commission on Biblical Gender Equality exists within the church as a voice and advocate for continued progress in this story. The commission exists to educate people in biblical gender equality; to advocate for justice in the structure of the church regarding gender; to equip the church to articulate the truth about biblical gender equality; and to advocate for the modeling of women in ministry and leadership in all possible venues within the church.

Due to shifts in leadership and staff positions, we are in a season of rebuilding this commission. For the next year, we will be focused on the following:

  • Amplifying the voices of women in the Covenant, especially our BIPOC sisters.
  • Collaborating with ACCW, FFW, and the Ministerium to further develop projects and resources that encourage egalitarian values within the Covenant.
  • Collaborating with conference superintendents and staffs to promote and expand egalitarian resources and support for the women serving in these contexts and establish goals fitting for each conference.
  • Collaborating with executive ministers to evaluate existing structures within the Covenant to determine if they are equitable and reflect the denomination’s commitment to egalitarian theology, polity, and praxis.

Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership is an initiative of the Covenant Ministerium committed to fully elevating and empowering women in leadership for the benefit of the whole Body of Christ, through authorizing women leaders, advocating alongside survivors of abuse/harassment, and advancing women of color.

We do this through an annual pre-Midwinter Gathering for women leaders, disbursing annual awards honoring women leaders, and mobilizing women leaders around our four focus areas throughout the year.

Focus areas of Women in Leadership: 

  1. Authorizing Women to Lead – in senior pastoral positions and throughout
    the church
  2. Advocating for Survivors of Abuse and Harassment – through prevention, resources and support, and establishing healthy reporting streams
  3. Advancing Women of Color – in varied particular ways that empower, see, and honor their leadership, gifts, traumas, and needed voices throughout the church
  4. White Women Anti-Racist Work – through intentional education, accountability, and activity in response to the invitation to lead and advocate at this intersection

For more info email eccministerium@gmail.com

Transfer Of Ordination


A pastor may be eligible to transfer to ordained to word and service if:

  • The pastor is currently ordained in a recognized denomination. (The Board of the Ordered Ministry determines whether to recognize an ordaining body.)
  • The pastor understands his or her calling as one to staff ministry in a specific area of specialization.
  • The pastor has completed a 48-hour theological master’s degree, including 12 semester hours in an area of specialization or equivalent as determined by the Board of the Ordered Ministry.

A pastor may be eligible to transfer to ordained to word and sacrament if:

  • The pastor is currently ordained in a recognized denomination. (The Board of the Ordered Ministry determines whether to recognize an ordaining body.)
  • The pastor understands his or her calling as functioning as the theologian in residence and missional leader, overseeing, empowering, and enabling all forms of the church’s ministry.
  • The pastor has completed a master of divinity degree or equivalent as determined by the Board of the Ordered Ministry.



The candidate shall submit the following paperwork to his or her conference office:

  • All paperwork required for the ministry license (statement of faith paper, baptism statement, disclosure form, criminal record screening, and Minister’s Profile Form). Transfer of ordination candidates normally hold and renew the ministry license while working toward completing the requirements for transfer, such as Covenant Orientation or other educational requirements.
  • Educational transcripts
  • Photocopy of ordination certificate
  • Letter of good standing from ordaining denomination

The candidate must also:

  • Be a member of a Covenant church.
  • Have received a call to a Covenant church or other approved ministry.
  • Enroll in and complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may complete orientation studies through Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the finalization process.
  • Enroll in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church/institution.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for transfer of ordination.



Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the transfer of ordination candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the finalization of transfer of ordination process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting in June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to transfer ordination in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to finalize their transfer of ordination at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds by July 15.
  • The candidate must complete Covenant Orientation at or before the Midwinter of the year he/she plans to finalize transfer of ordination.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for transfer of ordination and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed paperwork to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.

Consecrated To Global Service


Those who seek to be consecrated to global service are called to long-term missions work through Serve Globally. Candidates must meet the following requirements in order to be consecrated to global service:

  • Be approved for global service by the Serve Globally Committee of the Covenant Executive Board.
  • Complete the educational requirements for consecrated global personnel. (These requirements are determined by the Serve Globally Committee of the Executive Board and the Board of the Ordered Ministry.)
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation.



  • Previous experience as Covenant global personnel.
  • Completion of the required orientation program for global personnel of the Covenant.
  • Participation in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.



Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and Serve Globally. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry or Serve Globally. Note that the consecration process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting in June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be consecrated to global service in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates a letter in June asking if they wish to be consecrated at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds to the letter before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates an application for consecration and questions for the final paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed application for consecration and final paper to Serve Globally by the due date (sometime in the fall).
  • The Serve Globally committee on ministerial standing interviews the candidate in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the Serve Globally Committee of the Executive Board, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.



Those who seek commissioning are called to staff ministry, have bachelor’s-level training in an area of specialization, and do not wish to pursue a master’s degree. Candidates must meet the following requirements to be commissioned:

  • Be engaged in full-time staff ministry. The candidate serving in a non-ministry position shall demonstrate its relationship to a local Covenant congregation.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college, including 12 semester hours in an area of specialization.
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation.


  • Complete five years of successful full-time staff ministry prior to commissioning, three years of which must be in a Covenant congregation or institution.
  • Take additional graduate-level courses from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. This coursework must include survey courses in systematic theology, Old Testament, New Testament, and church history. Each course must be three semester hours or equivalent.
  • Complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the commissioning process.
  • Spend two years in a mentoring relationship approved by the Ordered Ministry.
  • Participate in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church/institution.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for commissioning.


Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the commissioning candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the commissioning process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting in June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be commissioned in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to be commissioned at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for commissioning and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed commissioning application (including recommendation of Covenant church where membership is held) and final paper to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.

Ordination to Word and Sacrament


Those who seek to be ordained to word and sacrament are usually called to ministry as lead or solo pastors and have a master of divinity degree. Candidates must meet the following in order to be eligible for ordination to word and sacrament:

  • Be engaged in a paid, called pastoral ministry position. The candidate serving in a non-pastoral ministry position shall demonstrate its relationship to a local Covenant congregation.
  • Hold a master of divinity degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (submit transcripts).
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation


  • Complete at least two years of paid ministry experience prior to ordination
  • Complete a year of residency at North Park Theological Seminary or complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the ordination process.
  • Spend two years in a mentoring relationship approved by the Ordered Ministry.
  • Participate in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church or institution.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for ordination to word and sacrament.


Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the ordination candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the ordination process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting each June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be ordained in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 of the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to be ordained to word and sacrament at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for ordination to word and sacrament, instructions for the example of proclamation, and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed ordination application (including the recommendation of Covenant church where membership is held), final paper, and example of proclamation to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.


Those who seek to be ordained to word and sacrament are usually called to ministry as lead or solo pastor and have a master of divinity degree. Candidates must meet the following in order to be eligible for ordination to word and sacrament:

  • Be engaged in a paid, called pastoral ministry position. The candidate serving in a non-pastoral ministry position shall demonstrate its relationship to a local Covenant congregation.
  • Hold a master of divinity degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (submit transcripts).
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation


  • Complete at least two years of paid ministry experience prior to ordination
  • Complete a year of residency at North Park Theological Seminary or complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the ordination process.
  • Spend two years in a mentoring relationship approved by the Ordered Ministry.
  • Participate in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church or institution.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for ordination to word and sacrament.


Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the ordination candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the ordination process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting each June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be ordained in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 of the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to be ordained to word and sacrament at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for ordination to word and sacrament, instructions for the example of proclamation, and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed ordination application (including recommendation of Covenant church where membership is held), final paper, and example of proclamation to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.

Ordination to Word and Service


Those who seek to be ordained to word and service are usually called to staff ministry and have a master’s level training from a seminary or a secular master’s plus a year of theological education. They hold coursework in an area of specialization. Candidates must meet the following requirements in order to be ordained to word and service:

  • Be engaged in full-time staff ministry. The candidate serving in a non-ministry position shall demonstrate its relationship to a local Covenant congregation.
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation.


In addition, candidates shall have completed one of the following courses of preparation in order to be ordained to word and service.

  • A master of arts degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (a program comprised of 48 semester hours or its equivalent) with an appropriate area of specialization totaling 12 semester credit hours or the equivalent.
  • A master of divinity degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools with an appropriate area of specialization.
  • A non-theological master’s degree in the area of specialization, and at least one year of full-time graduate theological studies (24 semester hours or the equivalent) taken for credit from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Courses of preparation shall include survey courses in systematic theology, Old Testament, New Testament, and church history. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training in specialized ministry from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.)


  • Complete at least two years of successful full-time ministry prior to ordination.
  • Complete a year of residency at North Park Theological Seminary or complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the ordination process.
  • Spend two years in a mentoring relationship approved by the Ordered Ministry.
  • Participate in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church or institution.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for ordination to word and service.


Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the ordination candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the ordination process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting each June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be ordained in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 of the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to be ordained to word and service at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for ordination to word and service, instructions for an example of proclamation, and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed ordination application (including the recommendation of the Covenant church where membership is held), final paper, and example of the proclamation to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.


Those who seek to be ordained to word and service are usually called to staff ministry and have a master’s level training from a seminary or a secular master’s plus a year of theological education. They hold coursework in an area of specialization. Candidates must meet the following requirements in order to be ordained to word and service:

  • Be engaged in full-time staff ministry. The candidate serving in a non-ministry position shall demonstrate its relationship to a local Covenant congregation.
  • Be a member of a Covenant congregation.

In addition, candidates shall have completed one of the following courses of preparation in order to be ordained to word and service.

  • A master of arts degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (a program comprised of 48 semester hours or its equivalent) with an appropriate area of specialization totaling 12 semester credit hours or the equivalent.
  • A master of divinity degree from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools with an appropriate area of specialization.
  • A non-theological master’s degree in the area of specialization, and at least one year of full-time graduate theological studies (24 semester hours or the equivalent) taken for credit from a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools. Courses of preparation shall include survey courses in systematic theology, Old Testament, New Testament, and church history. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training in specialized ministry from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.)


  • Complete at least two years of successful full-time ministry prior to ordination.
  • Complete a year of residency at North Park Theological Seminary or complete Covenant Orientation. (Candidates preparing for ministry primarily in the Latino community, and for whom Spanish is the primary language, may receive their training from Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos.) Please note: Those enrolled in Covenant Orientation must complete Vocational Excellence and Theology of the Covenant prior to being invited into the ordination process.
  • Spend two years in a mentoring relationship approved by the Ordered Ministry.
  • Participate in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church or institution.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, and criminal record screening.
  • Holding a license is a prerequisite for ordination to word and service.



Once the candidate has completed the above requirements, he or she notifies the Ordered Ministry and is placed on the ordination candidate list. If you would like to verify whether your name is on the list of potential candidates, please contact the Ordered Ministry. Note that the ordination process takes about a year and always culminates with the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting each June. Therefore, if a candidate wishes to be ordained in any given June, he or she must enter into the process no later than July 15 of the previous year.

  • The Ordered Ministry sends all potential candidates an email in June asking them to formally enter the process to be ordained to word and service at next year’s Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate responds before July 15.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends all candidates the required paperwork for the process, including an application for ordination to word and service, instructions for an example of proclamation, and questions for the final ordination/commissioning/transfer paper.
  • The candidate sends the completed ordination application (including recommendation of the Covenant church where membership is held), final paper, and example of proclamation to the conference office by August 15.
  • The candidate is interviewed by the conference committee on ministerial standing in the fall. The candidate must have a favorable interview with the conference committee on ministerial standing in order to move forward in the process.
  • The Board of the Ordered Ministry interviews the candidate at its Midwinter meeting and makes a recommendation.
  • The candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The candidate must participate in the service of ordination, commissioning, and consecration at the Covenant Annual Meeting.

Global Service License


To be eligible to receive the GSL, a person must be called to serve as global personnel (missionary) in the Evangelical Covenant Church


  • Membership in a Covenant congregation
  • Participation in the Global Service orientation program recommended by the Serve Globally Committee of the Covenant Executive Board and approved by the Board of the Ordered Ministry.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement and background check, criminal record screening, and licensing paper.


  • Once the candidate meets the requirements for the credential, he or she contacts Serve Globally for a license packet.
  • Serve Globally sends the packet to the candidate.
  • The candidate completes all necessary paperwork, making sure to sign the license application and check all boxes. He or she then returns all paperwork to Serve Globally.
  • Serve Globally confirms that all paperwork is included and complete. If necessary, they contact the candidate to inform him or her of any missing items.
  • The Serve Globally Committee on Ministerial Standing interviews the candidate. The committee makes its recommendation.
  • Once the candidate has received a favorable interview, Serve Globally makes copies of all license paperwork for its records, and sends all originals to the Ordered Ministry office.
  • At this time, Ordered Ministry will issue the license. The license should be renewed annually as long as the candidate is eligible.

Bi-vocational Ministry License


Bi-vocational ministry license applicants must be members of a Covenant congregation and must have a call to a Covenant church or other approved ministry. To qualify for a license, a candidate must demonstrate significant involvement in a majority of the following areas: administering the sacraments; conducting worship services; providing spiritual leadership; participating in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church; providing pastoral care; managing in a local congregation or institution of the Evangelical Covenant Church.


  • Read four books from the bivocational minister’s reading list each year and submit a report on each book along with the annual application for license in order to qualify for renewal.
  • Within two years of receipt of license, complete the Vocational Excellence class through Covenant Orientation.
  • Submit a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, criminal record screening, and licensing paper.


  • Once the candidate meets the requirements for the credential, he or she contacts the conference office for a license packet.
  • The conference office sends the packet to the candidate.
  • The candidate completes all necessary paperwork, making sure to sign the license application, check all boxes, and obtain the signature of the local church chairperson on the back of the application. He or she then returns all paperwork to the conference office.
  • The conference office confirms that all paperwork is included and complete. If necessary, the conference office contacts the candidate to inform him or her of anything missing.
  • The conference committee on ministerial standing interviews the candidate in the fall or spring, using the licensing paper as the basis for the interview. The committee makes its recommendation.
  • Once the candidate has received a favorable interview, the conference office makes copies for its records, then sends all originals to the Ordered Ministry office.
  • At this time, Ordered Ministry will issue an interim license, which will be in effect until the candidate is approved at the Covenant Annual Meeting. (Interim licenses expire on June 30.)
  • To receive a first-time license, the candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends out license certificates in July.
  • Each spring, the conference office sends out applications for renewal of licenses.
  • The conference committee on ministerial standing will re-interview the candidate every three years as long as he or she holds a license.

Ministry License


The ministry license is intended for persons serving at least 20 hours a week in Covenant congregations, Covenant institutions, or other approved ministries and organizations. The license is for those involved in pastoral ministry who also fulfill sacramental and other pastoral functions. To qualify for a license, a candidate must demonstrate significant involvement in a majority of the following areas: administering
the sacraments; conducting worship services; providing spiritual leadership; participating in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church; providing pastoral care; managing in a local congregation or institution of the Evangelical Covenant Church.


  • Membership in a Covenant congregation
  • Within eight years of the initial receipt of this license, demonstrate completion of graduate-level survey courses in Old Testament, New Testament, systematic theology, and church history. Each of these courses shall be at least three semester hours (or its equivalent). If the candidate has not already completed the courses at a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools, they shall be taken for credit from North Park Theological Seminary (or Centro Hispano de Estudios Teológicos, as appropriate), unless the candidate is actively enrolled in a degree program at another ATS-accredited seminary, in which case the courses may be taken at that seminary. Progress on this program of study must be reported annually to the Ordered Ministry to maintain standing.
  • Enrollment in Covenant Orientation (if not attending North Park Theological Seminary)
  • Participation in the Covenant Pension Plan or the Ministers’ 403(b) plan if serving a Covenant church/institution.
  • Submission of a completed Minister’s Profile Form, signed baptism statement, disclosure form, criminal record screening, and licensing paper.
  • Note: there is no minimum education threshold for this license. Persons with any level of educational background may apply.


  • Once the candidate meets the requirements for the credential, he or she contacts the conference office for a license packet.
  • The conference office sends the packet to the candidate.
  • The candidate completes all necessary paperwork, making sure to sign the license application, check all boxes, and obtain the signature of the local church chairperson on the back of the application. He or she then returns all paperwork to the conference office.
  • The conference office confirms that all paperwork is included and complete. If necessary, the conference office contacts the candidate to inform him or her of anything missing.
  • The conference committee on ministerial standing interviews the candidate in the fall or spring, using the licensing paper as the basis for the interview. The committee makes its recommendation.
  • Once the candidate has received a favorable interview, the conference office makes copies for its records, then sends all originals to the Ordered Ministry office.
  • At this time, Ordered Ministry will issue an interim license, which will be in effect until the candidate is approved at the Covenant Annual Meeting (Interim licenses expire on June 30.)
  • To receive a first-time license, the candidate must receive a favorable recommendation from the Board of the Ordered Ministry, a favorable recommendation from the regional conference ministerial association at its annual meeting, approval of the Covenant Ministerium, and approval of the Covenant Annual Meeting.
  • The Ordered Ministry sends out license certificates in July.
  • Each spring, the conference office sends out applications for renewal of licenses.
  • The conference committee on ministerial standing will re-interview the candidate every three years as long as he or she holds a license.

What Is Vocational Ministry?

The credentialing and endorsement process is crucial in creating a healthy context for ministry. This process makes the pastor accountable to the local church and denomination as well as to the community of pastors in the Covenant Ministerium.

The Evangelical Covenant Church grants or revokes credentials to ministers and establishes programs to encourage ministers in discipleship and in their calling. The Covenant establishes the Rules for the Ordered Ministry and administers them through the Board of the Ordered Ministry and the Covenant Ministerium.

Credentialing in the Covenant begins at the conference level. If you feel ready to begin the process, please contact your regional conference office. The Covenant grants several different types of credentials. Some are permanent credentials and some are annually renewable credentials (licenses).

Lina Sánchez-Herrera

Chicago West Suburbs, Illinois

ECC Conference: Central
Gender: Female


Receiving New Directees: Yes
Directing Clergy: Yes
Client Genders: Both men and women
Skype or Facetime: Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Retreat/Workshop Leader: Yes


C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary


Pastors/Church Leadership, Missionaries, University Students, Discernment Process, Transitions, Multi-Ethnic Issues, Second Half of Life, Prayer, Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

Prior to moving to the USA, I was a professor at the National University of Colombia and served with the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Colombia for 16 years. Starting in 2001, I served as InterVarsity National Staff in the USA. I have a master’s degree in Christian Ministries, and I serve in Spiritual Direction to those who want to be fully present and available to God and receive His grace over them. My joy is to see professors and college students coming to know Jesus and being transformed into people that bring the good news of righteousness and justice to others.

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