Celebration Sunday
Thank you for hosting a Celebration Sunday!
Covenant churches across the denomination are invited to celebrate all that God has done and continues to do through the Covenant Kids Congo partnership by hosting a Celebration Sunday this fall or next spring.
Celebration Sunday can be designed to fit best for your church – whether you are a seasoned or first-time partner. The CKC Team is happy to answer any questions you have and help you plan a wonderful celebration for your church. Be sure to contact us with questions at covenantkidscongo@covchurch.org.
10-Year Anniversary Newsletter >>
10-Year Anniversary Historical Video >>
Most Recent Field Updates (Spring 2022) >>
Would your church benefit from a personalized video provided by our team? Let us know!
Spring 2023 Bulletin Insert >>
Spring 2022 Presentation Slides | Download PDF | Download PPT
Women’s Savings Groups
Dan Boehlje
Gayle Gilreath
Russ Blake
Karawa Water
Lyndsey Watson
Farming Groups
Chad McDaniel
Disability Groups
Annie Martin
Ben Vazquez
In addition to digital resources, the CKC Team would love to send you a Celebrate Sunday Kit! Please allow for 6 weeks for delivery. Email our team today to order.