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Graduation Photos

GEMENA, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO (August 30, 2010) – Following are additional photographic moments during the first-ever commencement exercises for the Ubangi Protestant University (UPU).

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South Africa Photos

GRAND RAPIDS, MI (August 23, 2010) – Working in a South African hospital and center for disabled children was not the experience Luke Eastburg was expecting – it proved even more powerful. Following are additional photos taken during his time of service there.

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CEUMA President Ordained in Bangui Ceremony

BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (August 17, 2010) – More than 1,200 people stood under overcast skies on a dirt soccer field to participate in the first ordination service of the fledgling Evangelical Community of the Ubangi in Mission in Africa (CEUMA), which was planted by the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM).

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Bangui Ordination Photos

BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (August 17, 2010) It was a festive occasion during the first ordination service conducted by the Evangelical Community of the Ubangi in Mission in Africa (CEUMA), which was planted by the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM). Following are moments captured during the service, which was attended by a crowd estimated at 1,200 individuals

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Tim, Helen Smith Rejoin Congo Missionary Team

GEMENA, CONGO (August 12, 2010) – Evangelical Covenant Church missionaries Tim and Helen Smith have arrived in Gemena to join the Covenant missionary team, part of a long-range plan for re-establishing a resident missionary presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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International Guests Share God’s Work Around World

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 23, 2010) – It was a moving experience, watching each of the specially invited international guests process into the worship area carrying small candles during Friday’s midday International Celebration as part of Triennial XIII at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.

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