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Reconciliation – Must Do It, Not Just Believe It

ST. PAUL, MN (June 26, 2010) – If the Evangelical Covenant Church is to truly affirm its “commitment to the whole mission of the church,” individuals and groups within the denomination must engage in reconciliation among themselves, declared Mossai Sanguma, president of the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM), in his sermon during tonight’s worship service as part of the 125th anniversary celebration.

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International Guests Welcomed by Delegates

ST. PAUL, MN (June 25, 2010) – Leaders of Covenant churches and other partners from around the world were called on stage and introduced to the delegates during this morning’s business session. Introducing the delegates, President Gary Walter said, “It has been absolutely inspiring to recognize what God is doing around the world with our partners.”

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Covenant World Leaders Pursue Coordinated Mission

ST. PAUL, MN (June 25, 2010) – Leaders of Covenant denominations from around the world – many of whom had never met – effused that their “Global Dialogue” gathering earlier this week will lead to a greater sense of belonging and more coordinated mission.

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International Guests to Join in ECC 125th Celebration

ST. PAUL, MN (June 17, 2010) – Since its founding 125 years ago, the Evangelical Covenant Church has emphasized spreading the gospel internationally. To honor that commitment and help celebrate the denomination’s landmark anniversary next week, Covenant leaders from around the world will participate in the celebration, which begins Thursday and concludes with the traditional ordination service Sunday morning.

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New Tractors to Enhance Farming in Congo

GEMENA, CONGO (June 4, 2010) – In a country where machetes often are the only tools available to farmers, three tractors donated by the Congo government to the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM) will greatly improve the ability of people to grow crops for themselves and even sell them at market.

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Congo Tractor Photos

GEMENA, CONGO (June 4, 2010) – Three tractors donated by the Congo government will make a huge difference for farmers and their ability to not only grow crops for their own use, but for selling at market as well. Following are additional photos from the recent blessing ceremony conducted by the Covenant Church of Congo (CEUM).

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Congo Worship Photos

BOKONZO, CONGO (April 7, 2010) – Palm Sunday and Easter are festive worship occasions in churches throughout Congo. Following are scenes from events in Bokonzo.

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