Human Sexuality Guidelines for Covenant Ministers
These are guidelines for Covenant Ministers regarding Human Sexuality, along with additional resources for foundation and discussion as developed by the Department of the Ordered Ministry.
These are guidelines for Covenant Ministers regarding Human Sexuality, along with additional resources for foundation and discussion as developed by the Department of the Ordered Ministry.
This paper on divorce and remarriage was written by Klyne Snodgrass, Paul Brandel Professor of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, and originally presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ministerium of the Evangelical Covenant Church in Tacoma, Washington, in 1989. It was updated in 2008.
The Policy on Baptism in the Evangelical Covenant Church, approved by the Covenant Ministerium, was adopted by the 1998 Covenant Annual Meeting. A Theology of the Child is a brief paper written by John E. Phelan Jr. and Donald H. Madvig (1997). Covenant ministers must also read the two additional documents below before signing the Policy on Baptism.
All credentialed clergy must agree to abide by the Ethical Principles for Covenant Ministers. The Ethical Principles were approved by the Board of Ordered Ministry in June 2010.
This is a compilation of the comments and reflections on theology, church life, and the personal walk of faith. Biblical commentary is included in generous measure, along with meditation, admonition, and celebration.
This book includes minutes, articles, and essays that describe the history, faith and mission of the Covenant Church.
This book is a history of the Covenant produced for its centennial in 1985.
This book is the definitive history of the Covenant Church, tracing its theological foundations and developments through 1962.
Servant Leadership is a two volume set designed to elicit discussion and give direction to Covenant polity and what it means to be servant leaders.
The Christian Action Commission (CAC) prepares resolutions on ethical and political issues and recommends particular actions informed by biblical perspective.