
Prayer: Actively Waiting

CR-2015-Prayer-WeekDeveloped for a Week of Prayer 2015, this resource is a seven-session guide for individual and small group study, reflection, and interaction. It invites us to walk through the Old Testament and witness those who prayed prayers for protection, provision, peace, power, and promise.

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Invitation to GROW

This is a four-fold resource for reflecting on personal spiritual growth and reflecting on how we will respond to God’s invitation to GROW as Christ’s

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My GROW Adventure with God Material

grow2013Life with God is an adventure! This small booklet enables children to write and share their story with God by providing space for children to reflect and write or draw the tangible ways they journey with God. This resource is appropriate for children ages 5-12 and is a companion piece to the Invitation to GROW for adults and youth. It is most effective when children are given a new booklet each quarter to re-examine and reflect on their adventure with God and are encouraged to share their continuing story with others.

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Truly Praying: Shaped by the Scriptures

2014-WoPDeveloped for the Week of Prayer, this resource is a seven-session guide for individual and small group study, reflection, and interaction. As we apply scriptural principles and insights to our lives, Scripture informs and shapes the way we pray—and, in turn, forms what we believe. This resource provides an approach for integrating Scripture and prayer into our lives, shaping and helping us to grow on our faith journeys.

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Hello Friends

Say hello to six familiar Bible characters who have had their stories scripted and told through 3D Characters. Now each includes editable Word-based Take Home

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Breathe Material

Breathe is an experience that will give you a taste of a variety of spiritual practices. It is designed to allow you time and space to hear God’s voice. Consider experiencing Breathe as you take a walk, go out for a run, sit by a body of water, reflect in a quiet space, or one filled with activity. God speaks to us in a variety of ways including time set aside to read or listen to Scripture, God can use others to speak truth into our lives. Breathe may be time when it is just you and God in a quiet space. We invite you on this journey – to listen for God’s still small voice.

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