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Make and Deepen Disciples

Immerse: The Covenant Bible Reading Experience

Immerse: The Reading Bible is a six-volume, specially-formatted Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide the best Bible reading experience possible. By reading together twice a year, your church can read through all six volumes—the entire Bible—in three years.

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Unite Curriculum

The Unite curriculum is a way for your whole church to join a journey of discipleship around five specific biblical purposes: strengthening and being the church, our call to be disciples, loving mercy and doing justice, serving globally, and being servant leaders. This six-week journey focuses on our CHIC theme of “unite.”

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Week of Prayer 2020: Reconciling Grace

The gift of God’s amazing grace is boundless, both in its beauty and its many dimensions. In our 2020 Week of Prayer guide, incarcerated students from North Park Theological Seminary’s School of Restorative Arts program inspire us to freshly encounter and receive God’s grace.

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Week of Prayer 2018: Like a Tree Planted by Streams of Water

This resource invites us to practice prayer in ordinary life. We are called to pray without ceasing, but in today’s hurried life this is difficult. Lauren helps us to see ways we can pray focused prayers as we go about our daily and weekly routines. Allow your daily encounters with water to bring prayers of justice, liberation, baptism, life, faith, and hearing from God into your daily routine.

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Shift Curriculum

shiftThis curriculum is birthed out of CHIC 2015, the triennial youth event of the Evangelical Covenant Church. Building on the momentum and energy of CHIC, congregations may choose to use Shift curriculum in late summer or early fall of 2015. Shift also works as a stand-alone discipleship resource to be used at any time. To learn more about CHIC 2015, visit their website.

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Grow Kids

Grow Kids equips children to grow as disciples of Christ through spiritual formation practices such as worship, communion, prayer, and reading the Bible. Available in English and Spanish.

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Intergenerational Planning Guide

This guide offers suggestions for facilitating a comprehensive approach to intergenerational discipleship, that complements peer-based ministry and focuses on practical elements and practices that enable persons to follow the heart of God into the world.

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Prayer: Actively Waiting

CR-2015-Prayer-WeekDeveloped for a Week of Prayer 2015, this resource is a seven-session guide for individual and small group study, reflection, and interaction. It invites us to walk through the Old Testament and witness those who prayed prayers for protection, provision, peace, power, and promise.

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