Explore Resources

Truly Praying: Shaped by the Scriptures

2014-WoPDeveloped for the Week of Prayer, this resource is a seven-session guide for individual and small group study, reflection, and interaction. As we apply scriptural principles and insights to our lives, Scripture informs and shapes the way we pray—and, in turn, forms what we believe. This resource provides an approach for integrating Scripture and prayer into our lives, shaping and helping us to grow on our faith journeys.

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Theology of Singleness

This paper seeks to treat singleness from a theological perspective as one faithful form of discipleship, alongside marriage, and to imagine how people who are

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Infant Baptism and Dedication Brochure

The Evangelical Covenant Church practices both infant baptism and infant dedication. This brochure outlines the Covenant’s stance on infant baptism and infant dedication and what it means to you as a parent, pastor or layperson.

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Breathe Material

Breathe is an experience that will give you a taste of a variety of spiritual practices. It is designed to allow you time and space to hear God’s voice. Consider experiencing Breathe as you take a walk, go out for a run, sit by a body of water, reflect in a quiet space, or one filled with activity. God speaks to us in a variety of ways including time set aside to read or listen to Scripture, God can use others to speak truth into our lives. Breathe may be time when it is just you and God in a quiet space. We invite you on this journey – to listen for God’s still small voice.

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The Six Fold Test

The Evangelical Covenant Church takes seriously both the mission of Christ and the unity of Christ’s church. These two burdens converge at the point of pressing forward in ethnic ministry and diversity.

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Mission Committee Visioning Workbook

It Is important to have a sense of direction as the local church gets connected to God’s work around the world. We hope this resource guide will assist your mission committee to assess where you are and where you hope to go in global ministries.

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Devoted: Praying Our Way to a Rule of Life

Developed for the Week of Prayer, this resource is a seven-session guide for individual, family, or small group study, reflection, and interaction. Devoted: Praying Our Way to a Rule of Life focuses on the need for arranging our days in a way that fosters spiritual growth, through prayer.

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New Life in Christ

This resource provides churches as well as mentors and spiritual companions a basic and simple tool for discipling a new believer. It answers the question, what does a person who is new to the faith need in order to grow in Christ?

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Rock Solid Daily Journal and Leader’s Guide

What does the Bible have to say about God, sin, Jesus, the sacraments, the Holy Spirit, and the church? These are just a few of the twenty-six formational footholds of faith explored through this disciple-forming resource for small groups, mentors, and individual devotions.

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