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An Endless Feast

15” x 20”, oil on canvas

I painted this piece as a result of an assignment while studying at North Park Seminary. I was asked to write an essay on my interpretation of the last supper and I asked my professor Jay Phelan if instead of writing I could do an oil painting. Allow me to share with you my painting, titled; “An Endless Feast.” It portrays my understanding that when we celebrate communion we are celebrating a feast to commemorate the everlasting victory of Christ over sin. We are all invited to accept the invitation to come to this open table of eternal fellowship of hope and grace where God is present. This feast is open to men and women of all cultures and races, a feast where justice is celebrated.

Pia Peña Restrepo is the Covenant’s co-regional coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean. She was born and grew up in Colombia South America and has been a missionary for 23 years. She has always loved the visual arts and oil painting has been for her an avenue to express her desires, her cries, her prayers, and her gratitude. It has also been a means to express her compassion for those who suffer and are oppressed. She says, “God meets me through a brush and paints. I love teaching God’s Word and painting has been a useful tool to convey meaning and inspire reflection in my students. As an artist I feel the joy of God in me when I create, paint, or write. As a Spiritual Director I have used art as an instrument.”[/vc_column_text] [/vc_column][/vc_row]

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