What Challenges, Joys Do Christians Face in Workplace?

CHICAGO, IL (April 20, 2010) – For 125 years, Covenanters have been following Jesus together. This year as we celebrate 125 years of denominational life, The Covenant Companion is publishing a series of reader reflections on topics of Covenant identity.

The editors are looking for responses to the following question: What challenges or joys do you face as a Christian in your vocation or workplace?

“We are looking for responses of 300 words or fewer from our readers, whether they are new to the church or fourth-generation Covenanters,” says Features Editor Cathy Norman Peterson.

Responses should be emailed no later than May 3 to Cathy Norman Peterson or mailed to her attention at The Covenant Companion, 5101 N. Francisco Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60625. Please include your contact information and what church you attend.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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