Alaska Christian College Team Touring Midwest

SOLDATNA, AK (June 21, 2010) – A 10-person traveling student team from Alaska Christian College on Thursday kicked off a tour through the Midwest.

The team, known as Agayutem (Yup’ik for “belonging to God”), is sharing music, Native Eskimo dancing, drama, and testimonies. The group is traveling predominantly in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois from June 17 to July 13.

The group also will perform at the Evangelical Covenant Church’s 125th Annual Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota, for their first denominational appearance.

To view the tour schedule, click here. To view a Google Maps view of the locations, click here.

“This is a great opportunity for our students to meet and thank the multitude of friends and churches who support ACC in innumerous ways,” says ACC President Keith Hamilton. “For some of our students, this is a life-changing experience in the lower 49 states. Don’t miss this tour as we begin our 10th year of ministry!”

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Covenant Companion

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