ST. PAUL, MN (June 25, 2010) – Participants of Sankofa journeys gathered for lunch today to renew friendships and share how the Sankofa has continued to influence and shape their lives.
The reunion came during the lunch break in today’s business session of the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting, which this year celebrates 125 years of ministry.
Sankofa is a West African word meaning “looking backward to move forward.” The Sankofa journey, an intentional, cross-racial prayer journey, seeks to assist disciples of Christ on their move towards a righteous response to the social ills related to racism.
The interactive experience explores historic sites of importance in the Civil Rights movement, sites of oppression and inequality for people of color, while seeking to move participants toward healing the wounds and racial divide caused by hundreds of years of racial injustice in the U.S.
Sankofa participants shared numerous experiences, one noting that a life-long friendship has developed with the partner with whom he shared the journey.
“Sankofa keeps us connected,” said Debbie Blue, executive minister of the Department of Compassion, Mercy and Justice. “We share a powerful story together. God is doing something new. We are reflecting the kingdom not only visually, but in our relationships with one another.”
Blue reminded those gathered, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But, if you want to go far, go together.”