CWR Seeks Donations to Pakistan Relief Fund

CHICAGO, IL (September 7, 2010) – Covenant World Relief (CWR) is asking Evangelical Covenant Church members to donate to relief efforts in Pakistan, which the United Nations says is suffering the world’s “greatest humanitarian crisis in recent history” due to flooding.

The United Nations reports that the flooding has affected more people than the Southeast Asia tsunami and the earthquakes in Kashmir and Haiti combined. Flooding continues and is devastating even more farmland and villages.

Funds raised by CWR will be distributed through the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, which has a 30-year history of ministering in Pakistan. Evangelical Covenant Church relief and development ministry works only in countries where there are partner organizations, says Dave Husby, CWR director. He noted, as well, that the Sweden church has contributed significant funding through CWR.

While the death toll, currently listed at 1,600 people, is far less than the 610,000 people killed in the other earlier events, some 13.8 million people have suffered extensive loss. That is two million more people than the previous disasters, according to news reports. More than one million are believed stranded and still without assistance.

To contribute online to a special CWR fund, click here. To contribute by check, designate donations to Pakistan Relief and mail them to Covenant World Relief, 8303 W. Higgins Road, Chicago, IL, 60631-2941.

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