CWR Funds Helping Indonesia Victims

MENTAWAI ISLANDS, INDONESIA (November 2, 2010) Covenant World Relief (CWR) funds already are at work in the Mentawai Islands, which were struck by a 10-foot tsunami and volcano blast in separate incidents just hours apart, killing more than 400 people. The chain of 70 islands is located of the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.

World Relief International uses CWR funds to provide initial relief in disaster areas where they have existing partnerships with local organizations. Partners currently are distributing food and providing medical care.

An earthquake spawned the tsunami, which slammed into the islands Monday night. Word of the tragedy has trickled from the region, which had been cut off by rough seas. Storms and rough seas continue to hamper rescue workers.

The death toll is expected to rise. More than 300 people are missing and feared swept out to sea. Officials say 13,000 people on the islands are homeless.

The disaster worsened when a volcano, Mount Merapi, erupted and displaced 47,000 people about 800 miles from where the tsunami hit. At least 35 people have died due to the volcano.

Covenant News Service will publish updates as information becomes available.

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