Funeral Arrangements Set for Dulcie Gannett

CHICAGO, IL (December 2, 2010) – A funeral service will be conducted on December 11 for Evangelical Covenant Church minister Dulcie Gannett, 62, who died Wednesday. She served as a chaplain at Swedish Covenant Hospital.

The service will begin at 2 p.m. at Ravenswood Covenant Church, 4900 North Damen in Chicago.

Gannett was born October 9, 1948, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She earned a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Minnesota and a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. She was ordained during the Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting in 2004.

Gannett served on the board of directors and editorial board for Daughters of Sarah magazine, which advocates Christian feminism and was honored for excellence by the Associated Church Press. She also was the publication’s book review editor.

Covenant News Service will publish additional information as it becomes available.

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