Openings Remain for Upcoming Sankofa Journey

CHICAGO, IL (February 18, 2011) – The next Sankofa journey is slated for March 31-April 3.

“Sankofa” is a West African word meaning “looking backward to move forward.” During the four-day bus trip, participants are paired with someone of another race and travel to historic sites of importance to the civil rights movement.

Sankofa is an intentional, cross-racial prayer journey that seeks to assist Christians to better understand and respond to social ills related to racism.

The interactive experience explores historic sites of importance in the Civil Rights movement, sites of oppression and inequality for people of color, while seeking to move participants toward healing the wounds and racial divide.

Past participants have repeatedly called the journey life changing. To register, click here. For more information, email Chrissy Palmerlee.

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