Seeking Candidates for Great Lakes Conference Superintendent

CHICAGO, IL (December 9, 2011) – Potential candidate recommendations are being sought as part of a search process for a new superintendent of the Great Lakes Conference of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

Richard Lucco, who has served as conference superintendent for more than nine years, will conclude his conference service at the end of January when he assumes a new position as executive director of ministry development at Covenant offices in Chicago.

“We give thanks to God for Dick’s nine and a half years of outstanding service as our superintendent and pray God’s blessings upon him as he begins his new assignment,” said Dan Wolter, conference chair.

As part of the process, the search committee (members of the conference executive board) is also requesting information from local congregations in the conference suggesting qualifications and priorities they would like to see considered in the selection process.

“As our superintendent works with both conference and denomination leaders to support the ministries of our region, the search committee is aware that the selection of our next superintendent will greatly impact all of us in the months and years to come,” writes Wolter in a letter to local congregations recently mailed to churches. “We know that God already has the ideal candidate in mind, and it is our job to discern who that candidate is.”

The letter invites responses to four sets of questions:

  1. What personal qualities do you desire in the new superintendent? What is most important?
  2. What professional qualities do you desire in the new superintendent? What is most important to you? To your congregation?
  3. What priorities would you like established for the superintendent’s job responsibilities?
  4. Based on your answers, do you have any names of candidates for us to consider? Please provide any helpful background information about your candidates and reasons for recommending them.

Responses should be received by Jody Eidnes at the Great Lakes Conference office no later than Friday, January 6. They may be sent by email or by regular mail to Superintendent Search, 6900 N. Haggerty Road, Suite 90, Canton, MI, 48187.

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Covenant Companion

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