Oregon Covenanters Developing Free Health Clinic

MCMINNVILLE, OR (June 7, 2012) – The McMinnville Covenant Church pastor and parish nurse are helping spearhead plans for a health clinic that would provide free service to county residents.

Pastor Ted Yuen and Parish Nurse Mary Hill were the first to be contacted by Jacqui Cooke, who has served with Love in Action (Love Inc.). They were a logical choice to pursue developing a faith-based group to operate a clinic. Yuen’s undergraduate degree is in community health.

They organized an informational meeting, which attracted 20 people, and a second meeting drew 30. The group, which is receiving strong support from area churches, has established itself as Friends of the Free Clinic and is pursuing nonprofit status. Yuen and Hill serve on the board, which includes medical professionals.

Plans are for the clinic to initially operate once or twice a month. A site has yet to be determined. The group will coordinate services with other providers to avoid duplication.

Education will be a key focus. “Prevention is the key to health care,” Hill told the local newspaper. She added, “It’s faith-based, so there will be a prayer component if people want that.”

“We believe that God seeks the well-being of our community,” said Yuen. “We believe this clinic will fulfill that.”

Volunteers will staff the clinic, but organizers estimate operating costs will run $15,000 to $20,000.

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Covenant Companion

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