Byron Miller Honored for Service

IRVINE, CA (June 23, 2012) – Byron Miller, executive director of the Paul Carlson Partnership, was honored for his years of service during the Friday business session of the 127th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

President Gary Walter presented Miller with a citation listing the numerous ways in which he has served the church.

Several development projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been initiated under Miller’s guidance. Among them has been the Farmers to Market, which creates what is called a “value chain” between subsistence farmers located in the Ubangi region of northwest Democratic Republic of Congo and distant markets in the city of Kinshasa, some 600 miles to the south.

Until the start of the program, many of the farmers never considered the possibility that they might be able to sell crops for income.

The ministry also has increased its online presence, developing a new website and engaging a coordinated social media strategy.

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Covenant Companion

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