Enabling Residence Campers Explore Underwater World

CHICAGO, IL (September 11, 2012) – Campers from Covenant Enabling Residences in three states got to literally dive into new experiences when they were given snorkeling lessons at Covenant Harbor and Bible Camp recently.

“It was a chance to try things they’ve never tried before,” said Karl Klockars, the vice president of legal affairs for Covenant Ministries of Benevolence (CMB), which operates the residences. Klockars is a master diver who has led certified divers on trips.

Jason Fischer, a Covenant Harbor staff member who also is an advanced diver and a member of the local fire department dive team, provided additional experienced assistance. Click here to view additional photos.

Klockars began by introducing the campers to wearing the mask and then breathing through a snorkel. Not all of the 15 campers could tolerate having something on their face, but they cheered on the others.

He then taught the campers how to put their face under water while wearing the gear. That was a great accomplishment for some, and several started swimming.

“It was a great thing because you could see people having fun and saying, ‘I can do this,’ ” Klockars said.

Eric Anderson, the camp’s associate director, said the event also was important for his staff. “It gave them a better idea of what the residents are capable of,” he explained.

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Covenant Companion

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