Goal-Setting Helps Youth Avoid Tragic Future

By Stan Friedman

CERRITOS, CA (January 2, 2013) – Sheréa VéJauan knew as a young girl growing up in Compton what others expected for her future. She would become a drug addict and have a child out of wedlock.

Her mother was a drug addict, and after VéJauan’s father died, the girl went to live with her maternal grandmother. It was so stereotypical.

VéJauan, however, envisioned a different life for herself.

She has since authored poetry that earned her an award from the NAACP, sung with major recording artists including Stellar Award recipient Kenny Smith, produced a cable television program, and serves as director of children’s ministry at Newsong Los Angeles Covenant Church. She has been married for more than 20 years to her husband, Brian, with whom she has three children.

She currently heads her own public relations agency and online marketing firm and guides The Goal Setter’s Club, a coaching organization based in Cerritos, California, that teaches the art of goal-setting to youth and families. Today, Covenant News Service publishes the first installment of what will be a monthly column on goal-setting.

“I’ve always been a vision-oriented person,” VéJauan says. She also has been strengthened by her faith that God will bring good things to those who love him.

One of her major goals, VéJauan says, is to “inspire young adults to dream, plan, and take immediate action toward achieving their future goals by helping them discover simple and effective tools to reach specific goals and overcome stress by creating life balance.”

VéJauan publishes goal-setting material online that can be downloaded for free – the website also offers related items for purchase.

“Kids love setting goals,” says VéJauan with a contagious exuberance. “They know what they want.”

VéJauan also teaches goal-setting to adults, but they have a more difficult time, she says. Adults can get too focused on obstacles.

Her own family has annual and weekly goal-setting times. During the annual session, they eat a special breakfast and then spend several hours going over their goals.

The initial meeting was an eye-opening experience. “When we first sat down, I thought I knew what everyone wanted,” VéJauan says.

The family checks in with each other once a week. “It makes everything easier,” she says. “We’re able to support one another.”

VéJauan publishes her own daily personal goals online and encourages others to do the same. It serves as a form of accountability, but more importantly, the feedback she receives inspires her.

That feedback can be especially important in one area of her life. “I hate going to the gym!” she says.

Editor’s note: click here to access VéJauan’s column, which appears elsewhere in this online Covenant News Service daily news report.

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