Walter: Commitment to Hispanic Ministry a Priority

SAN DIEGO, CA (February 8, 2013) – During an extended ministry update Thursday morning, President Gary Walter told attendees to the Midwinter Conference that, “My number one priority in my second term is the acceleration of Hispanic ministry.”

Walter said he is grateful for how God has helped the Covenant move forward in its mission, but is disappointed in himself for not having done more to advance Hispanic ministry. Walter shared his disappointment when he met earlier in the week with the Ministerios Hispanos de la Iglesia del Pacto Evangélico – Hispanic Ministries of the ECC (MHIPE).

He was joined on stage by Samuel Galdamez, MHIPE president and pastor of Iglesia del Pacto Evangélico (La Familia de Dios) in Turlock, California, and Michael Jordan, pastor of La Vina Covenant Church in Kerman. Walter asked them how the Covenant can help advance Hispanic ministries.

Jordan translated for Galdamez, who first thanked Walter for his commitment and then said churches should consider how they can provide more resources, including space to Hispanic congregations. Many of them have difficulty affording space.

Galdamez added, “We appreciate your openness to Hispanic leadership, and we want to encourage you that there are many Hispanic men and women who can be of great resource to our denomination.”

Attendees gave Galdamez and Jordan a standing ovation.

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