Briefs: Holy Smoke BBQ Event Attracts 700 to Benefit Pantry

KEARNEY, MO (July 3, 2013) – The Holy Smoke BBQ contest sponsored by Community Covenant Church raised $1,700 for Kearney Food Pantry and provided an afternoon of entertainment and messy eating.

Church members started smoking meat and beans the night before so they could serve the 700 people who attended. Piggy banks on each of the picnic tables allowed people to contribute to the pantry.

Children’s activities included inflatables, crafts, face painting, and games. “Jake and Elwood Blues” played by church member Randy Thee and Pastor Mike Coglan entertained the crowd while promoting the congregation’s vacation Bible school.

In addition to raising funds for the pantry, the church offers the meal as a way to reach out to the community through a family friendly event. Some attendees were surprised that the band playing country music was the church worship team.

“It was like a mini Branson,” one said.


Pantry Provides Essential Personal Items to Families

MADISON, WI (July 3, 2013) – More than 100 families are served each week through the Personal Essentials Ministry at Arbor Covenant Church. The church, in collaboration with four neighboring churches, offers personal and household hygiene items to low-income families.

Items such as diapers, lotion, soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, and other cleaning supplies are provided. Family members fill out forms identifying which items they need each week. The church then tracks the items in a database that is also used by other local ministries.

The ministry relies on donations of items, but also purchases many products from a wholesaler at a discount of up to 70 percent.

The ministry started in October 2012.

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Covenant Companion

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