Talking as a Church About Immigration

CHICAGO, IL (September 4, 2013)—October 15 is the deadline for Covenant churches and individuals to submit their input to the Christian Action Commission about the proposed resolution on immigration.

Throughout this week, Covenant News Service will post stories, letters written by immigrants and pastors, and links to resources about immigration. will webcast a roundtable discussion at 11 a.m. (CDT) on Thursday.

The resolution was presented to the Annual Meeting in June. Delegates to next year’s Annual Meeting will vote on whether to adopt it.

Covenanters are encouraged to hold discussions within their congregations, on social media, via the resolution feedback form, or in the response section below each article on the website.

Proposed resolution and resources, including suggested books and websites.

John Tanagho, an attorney and member of the Commission on Christian Action, addressed the Annual Meeting earlier this year.

Covenant President Gary Walter was a signatory to an open letter in 2012 to Congress and President Obama, which was authored by the Evangelical Immigration Table. Other signers included Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals; Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; and Noel Castellanos, CEO of the Christian Community Development Association. To download the letter, click here.

The September issue of the Covenant Companion focuses on immigration. To read past articles on immigration from the March 2009 issue of the Companion, click here.

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Covenant Companion

The Communications staff at The Evangelical Covenant Church works to bring you the most complete information on the stories that matter to the Covenant.

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