True North Awards Presented for Service to Alaska

RED WING, MN (November 4, 2013) — Two members of Covenant churches in Minnesota were recently honored with the True North Award for their long history of furthering the ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Alaska (ECCAK).

Keith Hamilton, president of Alaska Christian College (ACC) presented a plaque to Glen Mehrkens at Red Wing Covenant Church last Sunday. He also presented Marv Bjorlin, who attends Excelsior Covenant Church, with a plaque.

Hamilton also gave each of the men a personal note of appreciation from Alaska Governor Sean Parnell for their history of volunteering in the state and demonstrating a godly example of servanthood.

This award is presented to Covenanters who live outside of Alaska and have a history of traveling north to serve, Hamilton said.

Mehrkens has brought teams from the church and other congregations for 11 years to remodel dilapidated parsonages in remote villages and repair some of the churches as well. Mehrkens and his wife, Millie, also served at ACC for five years full-time in maintenance and administrative support.

Bjorlin served Alaska ministries for more than 10 years, constructing and serving at radio stations in Bethel and Eagle River and helping with construction at village churches.

“These men demonstrate to all of us how best to use our retirement years for the glory of God,” Hamilton said. “I can’t imagine what the Covenant churches of Alaska would be like without dedicated volunteers from the lower 48 churches. We hope that many will continue to follow their example for this mission outpost of the Covenant.”

ECCAK Field Director Curtis Ivanoff added, “This award is one small way we can express gratitude for their part in helping to build and grow God’s kingdom here in Alaska through the Evangelical Covenant Church. Weatherizing churches and parsonages, doing an extreme parsonage makeover, helping in the advancement of Alaska Christian College, radio ministry, missionary aviation—they have offered extensive and sacrificial service to encourage the body of Christ here in Alaska.”

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Covenant Companion

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