Paul Wilson Nominated to Be PSWC Superintendent

By Stan Friedman

CONCORD, CA (January 19, 2014) — Paul Wilson, pastor of First Covenant Church in Oakland, California, has been nominated to be the new Pacific Southwest Conference superintendent.

The election will be held at the PSWC Annual Meeting in Sacramento, California, on April 26.

In announcing the nomination, PSWC Executive Board Chair Stanley Long said, “Paul brings a wealth of experience and humble spirit that will serve our pastors and churches well.”

President Gary Walter added, “Paul has unusual missional instincts that have been used to advance the work of the kingdom everywhere he has served. He is a person of deep spirituality and high relational gifts.”

Before becoming pastor of First Covenant in 2002, Wilson served as field director for the Evangelical Covenant Church of Alaska and developed the launch of Alaska Christian College. Since arriving in Oakland he also helped develop New Day for Children, a residential ministry that restores American minors who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation.

Wilson’s other ministry experience includes serving as a youth worker for Iglesio Del Pacto Evangelico Douglas Park in Chicago and as pastor of Community Covenant Church in Clear Lake, Washington.

Wilson has long been committed to multi-racial and multiethnic ministry. First Covenant’s diverse ministry team reflects the PSWC mosaic.

“Perhaps my greatest joy is helping others—pastors, leaders, churches, the hurting and forgotten—discover who God has created them to be, and calling out of them a way of living, loving and testifying that goes beyond what they thought possible,” said Wilson.

He emphasized, “Ministry is discerned.  Jesus said in John 5:17: ‘My Father is working, even to this day, and I too am working.’  There is not a church, a home, alley way or moment in which God is not working.”

Born and raised in the Bay Area, Wilson graduated from the University of California Los Angeles and studied theology at Regent College and North Park Theological Seminary, where he earned his master of divinity.

He has been married to his wife, Kathy, for 33 years, and the couple has three sons. Kathy is the chief spokesperson for New Day for Children.

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