Five for Friday: Who Needs Church, Cadillacs, Titus 2

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (February 14, 2014) — Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.

Is Church Really Necessary, and Is That Even the Right Question?

Donald Miller of Blue Like Jazz fame caused quite the stir with his recent posts about why he rarely goes to church. The above link is the third in a series, and you can check out the links he includes to the previous columns. He raises some points worth considering, and I’d venture that lots of Christians would agree with some, if not most, of them. On the other hand, Christianity Today’s Ed Stetzer has written an excellent response. Music quiz: Which punk band’s lyrics does he include in the headline?

21 Things That Shouldn’t Be Said to Sexual Abuse Victims

It’s hard to believe Christians would say these things, but they do. I’ve heard them said to victims. If you really want to help, try checking out the Covenant’s Advocacy for Victims of Abuse site.

Cadillac Commercial Encourages Worship at Altar of Work and Stuff

I have two problems with this commercial. 1) I like it. 2) The author’s critique of it is right. I hate it when that happens.

If Men Were Given the Titus 2 Treatment

Another reason to consider how you do your proof texting: someone else just might do it the same way.

If Jesus Were a Hipster, Emerging Post-Evangelical

I love parody, and hipsters are ripe to be its target. Like good parody, this one has an important underlying message. As for hipster, I didn’t even know the word existed until a couple of weeks ago when I learned of it from posts by some Covenant worship leaders. Does that mean I wasn’t hip? Am I now? I’m pretty sure I wasn’t in the ’70s, and I’m apparently not in the 2010s.

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Covenant Companion

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