Colin’s Facebook Page Gets 2 Million "Likes"

RICHLAND, MI (February 21, 2014) — The “Happy Birthday Colin” Facebook page surpassed two million “likes” Wednesday.

Colin, who has a disorder similar to Asperger’s syndrome, attends New Hope Covenant Church with his family in this small town of 1,000 people.

Jennifer, the mother of 10-year-old Colin, set up the Facebook page as a way to encourage her son after she asked him if he wanted to have a party next month to celebrate his birthday. He had told her no because he believed nobody would show up.

Colin’s disorder has made social interaction extremely difficult so he has few friends, Jennifer has said.

Jennifer had hoped several hundred people might “like” the page, but it went viral and attracted attention from around the world.

The Facebook site has been kept secret from Colin, and Jennifer plans to show it to him on his birthday March 9.

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