Five for Friday: ‘Noah,’ Fasting, Cubs

By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (February 28, 2014) — Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement of any views expressed.

Film Chat: Author Follows Noah Controversy

Film Critic Peter Chattaway, who has won awards from the Evangelical Press Association and Fellowship of Christian Newspapers, has followed the ongoing controversy about theological themes depicted in the movie Noah even as the script was going through rewrites.

Some people are slamming the film for including language that does not appear in Scripture, for leaving out details of the biblical story, and for changing other details. I wonder if they would subject previous films and TV productions based on biblical texts to the same standards. Would they complain about The Ten Commandments, The Passion of the Christ, and the ratings record-breaking mini-series, The Bible, all of which contain their own inaccuracies?

Maybe it would be better to engage in thoughtful dialogue rather than ranting and shouting “Blasphemer!” It might make for a great evangelistic opportunity.

Chapel Services Test Gordon College’s Values

This is what can happen when people stop shouting at each other.

Five Creative Fasting Ideas for Lent

I was kind of hoping these would be easier.

The Unbelievable Story of Why Marlon Brando Rejected His 1973 Oscar for The Godfather

Not that Brando and Sacheen Littlefeather necessarily chose the best tactic, but this story caused me to think about the reaction Jesus received when he was “inappropriate” at social gatherings..

8 Surprising Historical Facts That Will Change Your Concept of Time Forever

Juxtaposing these historical events does cause one to reconsider our preconceptions. Who knew Betty White is actually older than sliced bread? Being from St. Louis, I especially loved the reference to the last time the Cubs won a World Series (which could have included the fact that it was also “before the Wright brothers flew the first airplane”). For a religious connection, we might consider Cubs fans as exiles who continue looking for a messiah but keep turning to false ones like Milton Bradley, Mark Prior, and Theo Epstein.

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Covenant Companion

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