By Stan Friedman
CHICAGO, IL (October 24, 2014) — Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that Covenant News Service believes may be of interest to others. Each Friday we post five of them. Following is a sample of those submissions—their inclusion does not represent an endorsement by the Covenant of any views expressed.
Jane’s Addiction: Goodall Can’t Stop Giving the Conservation Message

First, kudos to Newsweek for coming up with “Jane’s Addiction” as a cover title. (For those not in the know, Jane’s Addiction is a contemporary alternative rock band.) I wouldn’t recommend the band, but this is a wonderful article on Jane Goodall, the researcher who stunned the world with her studies of chimp behavior. Now 80, she continues to keep a busy schedule passing on the message that all of us can—and need—to be involved someway in restoring and protecting the planet. If you remember her, then you’ll love this piece. If you haven’t heard of her, then read it. She is a hero.
Classical Music Revamps Its Image to Attract a Younger Audience
To attract a younger crowd, orchestras are including videos, mixing in popular music, dressing more casual, and offering more opportunities for interactivity during concerts.
So orchestras are trying to keep up with the church.
The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like
I never touch the stuff, but this one is for all of you who can’t seem to function without at least a cup or two. Research is piling up that shows as long as caffeinated coffee doesn’t keep you awake, then drink as much as you want. It’s probably really good for you. That is until you start adding sugar, cream, and who knows what else. The non-caffeinated coffee doesn’t offer the same benefits.

Shia LaBeouf Says Brad Pitt Guided Him to Become a Christian
Yeah, the headline made you go, “What?” Well I’ll tell you: We got us another celebrity! We got us another celebrity!
“Yes, but will he be transformed?” you ask.
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew about the Bible
Biblical scholar Pete Enns says that when we concern ourselves with defending the Bible, we’re actually making it harder to read. It’s a list so Enns is able to only scratch the surface in one post, but they are good discussion starters and should lead people to read more of his work—and those who disagree with him.