Calls for Peace Most-Read November Stories

CHICAGO, IL (December 4, 2014) – The two most-read Covenant News Service stories in November focused on calls for peace and reconciliation in very different parts of the world. In response to the decision by a Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury to not indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, President Gary Walter wrote, “As a Covenant we will persist in obedience to Christ in the important matter of racial righteousness towards a more caring and just world.”

In Jerusalem, Covenant minister Andy Larsen was caught up amid violence while filming a documentary about peacemakers in the region. Larsen said, “There’s a lot of decent humanity on the street in Jerusalem. We hope to show this in our documentary. I was sobered by many of the stories but simultaneously heartened as I watched people struggle to pursue peace despite the violence and horrible injustices.”

Our Hope: A Message from Gary Walter on Ferguson Decision

Covenant Minister Caught Up in Mideast Melee1118 larsen in palestine

Pastor, First-Time Director was Shocked When Emmy Winner Agreed to Appear in his Movie

Obituary: Elder M. Lindahl

Five for Friday: Colonizing Worship, What Would You Say to Bill Cosby, the Bible in a Facebook Post

Voices: The Cult of Family

Five for Friday: Warning to Women About Clothing, Rethinking String Art, Pursuing Healing Work of Jesus

Simpson Redemption Found in Telling Story of Mother’s Impact on Family

Carlson Inspired Holmgren, Other Covenanters in Mission Work

Five for Friday: Typeface Helps Dyslexics, Possible Prostitution Solution

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