CHICAGO, IL (December 15, 2014) — The Covenant Executive Board has announced the initiation of the search for a nominee to serve as executive minister for Serve Globally, one of three executive minister searches that will be undertaken prior to next year’s Covenant Annual Meeting. Serve Globally encompasses Covenant World Mission, Covenant World Relief, and Paul Carlson Partners.
A position overview may be found here. To nominate someone or to express your own personal interest, please email the Nominating Committee through January 13, 2015.
Additional comment to the nominating committee may also be directed to the same email address, particularly your perspective to the question: “What is important to look for in this leader in this position at this time?”
The board hopes to identify a nominee in early spring 2015. The nominee will then be presented to the Covenant Annual Meeting for election in June. The position begins September 1, 2015.
Serve Globally is one of the five mission priorities of the Covenant, also including Start and Strengthen Churches; Make and Deepen Disciples; Develop Leaders, and Love Mercy and Do Justice.
The opening comes with the conclusion of service next summer of Curt Peterson following 12 years (three terms).
“Curt has been an exceptional leader to advance this priority. Our global partnerships now extend to some forty countries. National leaders feel connected and empowered as they advance mission in their own countries.” remarked ECC president Gary Walter. “He had been a wise, compassionate team leader of great character, insight, and fruitfulness.”
A subcommittee of the executive board will provide a recommended candidate to the full board for consideration. Also on the committee are Walter; executive director of ministry development Dick Lucco; and executive director of operations Rebecca Gonzalez.